I'll get back to you soon.
I'll get back to you soon.
My favorite type of work is when I'm collaborating with others. I welcome criticism and won't take your PR comments personally. A baseline of mutual respect should be foundational. As far as company size, I much prefer teams with fewer than 10 people.
It's not hard keeping up with the industry when you're passionate about the work you're doing. I'm on Twitter X constantly, reading about the latest tips and tricks, and bookmarking longer reads or videos for later. YouTube is another medium for digesting longer-form content or animation tutorials. To give back, I tutor and teach classes and workshops.
Fabrica is the next generation of buying, selling and borrowing against real land on the blockchain. As lead front-end dev on a small team, I've been able to make significant contributions to the project, deep learn about various technologies, and work closely with all team members.
I'm very active here. Over the years I've built a ton of sites and features, big and small, including:
I've helped the international web dev community for well over a decade, answering thousands of questions over that span. Keeping up with bleeding edge tech helps me to provide better answers. For example, the best way to create a 3x3 grid with CSS is much cleaner and easier today than it was 7-8 years ago. Highly upvoted questions deserve answers from various perspectives, sometimes spanning several eras of tech.
Besides accumulating badges, points, and clout, I'm benefiting from Stack Overflow in other ways, too. Answering thousands of questions has made me a better communicator. When answering a question, sometimes it's best to be short and sweet. Other times, a deeper dive is appropriate. In the end, we're here for users—not for ourselves, and the ability to read the room is integral in effective communication.
I've had so much fun with CodePen over the years. More recently, I use it for prototyping ideas and sandboxing newer technologies. Here are a few of my favorite pens:
A slot machine built with vanilla React. The challenge here was setting up the sprites properly and applying a smooth, realistic easing animation to each wheel of the slot.
Go to demoWhen Grid was considered bleeding edge (and really misunderstood), I wanted to create a fun example of how it could be used. This pen is a tribute to the Brady Bunch opening sequence. Oddly enough, the biggest challenge here was having to painstakingly find and record a separate GIF for Brady character represented in the grid.
Go to demo Video tutorialThe coolest part of SCSS is not nesting, but the ability to loop through an arbitrary number and create an element for each number with a slightly different angle or shadow. Vanilla CSS is not yet capable of this (in April of 2024), but SCSS is built for it.
Using these techniques, each new stack of papers is angled slightly different than the time before, creating a more organic, realistic presentation of paper. For the JavaScript, the module pattern was used to manage state and respond to user events such as arrow keys and mouse clicks.
Go to demoHere, I was thinking of a gentle breeze, slowly drying laundry, objects that could be easily affected by wind. Vertical tabs seemed like an interesting choice because most tabs on the web are horizontal and vertical, rectangular objects animate well next to each other. My favorite part of this pen is getting the tabs to occasionally overlap during the peak of their respective sway. It's the little things in life.
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